Ari’s Archives

Why I recommend a multivitamin
Hilary Silverman Hilary Silverman

Why I recommend a multivitamin

It’s simple. Research shows there are concrete benefits for most people! Taking a high-quality multivitamin is a worthwhile way to help make sure you have your nutritional bases covered.

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Adjustments during pregnancy pt. 2: exercise
Hilary Silverman Hilary Silverman

Adjustments during pregnancy pt. 2: exercise

Movement is one of the most fundamental parts of a balanced wellness routine, and there are so many benefits to staying active during pregnancy. However, as your body experiences drastic physical changes it’s important to educate yourself on necessary adjustments to ensure you’re moving safely.

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Adjustments during pregnancy pt. 1: diet
Hilary Silverman Hilary Silverman

Adjustments during pregnancy pt. 1: diet

Do the best you can to get in as much nutrition as possible without any guilt or shame behind it! Highlight the days that you feel good and let go of the days where you can only stomach a bagel with butter. 

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